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Lot Size: 23.11 Acres
Building Approximate Size: 68,630 sq ft
Built: 2003
Zoning: C-2 Commercial
Water & Sewage: Public
County: Cambria County
Municipality: Richland Township
Taxes: $50,500
Lot size 1.2 Acres
Zoning Light Industrial
Bldg. size 14,120 sq. ft.
Built 1977
Water- Public
County: Cambria
Municipality: Richland Township
Taxes $7,514.00
Lot Size: .7 Acre - Approximately 165’ x 202’ Irregular Shape
Building Size: Approximately 5,200 sq ft
Zoning: C-2 Commercial
Water & Sewage: Public
County: Cambria
Municipality: Richland Township
Taxes: $6,458
Lot Size: 2.8 Acres
Building Size: 16,360 Sq. Ft.
County: Somerset
Zoning: None
Water: Public
Sewage: Holding Tank
Municipality: Jenner Township
Taxes: $2,430
Lot Size 1: 108’ x 132’
Lot Size 2: 67’ x 66’
Building Size: 9,240 sq ft
Zoning: Commercial
Water & Sewage: Public
County: Cambria
Municipality: City of Johnstown
Taxes: $9,030 per year
Lot size: 1 Acre
Zoning: Industrial
Bldg. size: 3,000 sq ft
Built: 2008
Water & Sewage: Public
County: Cambria
Municipality: Lower Yoder
Taxes: $2,000
Lot Size: 25.3 Acres
Building Size: 58,276 sq ft
Office Space Size: 38,170 sq ft
Warehouse Space Size: 20,106 sq ft
Zoning: Commercial
Water & Sewage: Public
County: Cambria
Municipality: Richland Township
Taxes: $6,410 a month
Lot Size 1: 108’ x 132’
Lot Size 2: 67’ x 66’
Building Size: 9,240 sq ft
Zoning: Commercial
Water & Sewage: Public
County: Cambria
Municipality: City of Johnstown